SPD: 7.24.24


Officers with the Swainsboro Police Department (SPD) reported…

July 12

Officer responded to N. Racetrack St. in reference to a domestic.

Complainants stated that while their juvenile sons were walking on Watson St., they observed an open mailbox with marijuana inside it with a written note displaying $80.

Officers were dispatched to Family Dollar in reference to a female stealing. C/p stated offender concealed items in her handbag and left the store.

Officers responded to WalMart in reference to an ex-employee causing a disturbance. Complainant advised offender was yelling cuss words and knocking things off shelves. As officer was speaking with c/p, offender walked up yelling and causing a public disturbance, at which time she was arrested and transported to EmCo Jail.

Officer was dispatched to Lewis St. in reference to complainant stating someone was in his yard attempting to shoot his door. Officer observed a vehicle with four occupants attempting to duck down in the seats as he rode by, at which time he turned around and the vehicle attempted to leave. Officer activated his emergency lights and informed the occupants why he was there. After investigating, officers found out that the occupants in the car were waiting on a male subject to come out of the residence. Offender advised he was trying to speak with c/p in reference to him breaking into his apartment. Officers went to c/p’s residence and c/p attempted to no cooperate.

July 13

Officers were dispatched to William Rountree St. 911 advised they could hear a male asking who complainant was on the phone with and she began decoying the phone call. C/p came out with a bag and stated offender started acting funny like he was on drugs and refused to let her look at her phone. C/p stated she was fine and offender had not done anything to her but she wanted to leave. It was determined that offender was wanted by the Board of Parole and Pardons and was transported to EmCo Jail.

July 14

Officer took a report of a stolen firearm. Complainant stated he was at a gathering on Prosperity Dr. and advised his pistol was stolen.

July 15

Officer observed a vehicle driving erratic and too fast for conditions, at which time he initiated a traffic stop. Officer asked the driver for his license and he stated he left all of them at home, then stated he did not have a valid license and was driving like that because he was late for court. Officer could smell a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. Offender asked officer is his girlfriend could come out and get the baby and he was advised she could. Offender was asked to step out of the vehicle and was acting very nervous, like he was going to run., so he was detained. Marijuana was found in the vehicle.

Officer was dispatched to Powell ST. in reference to a report of vehicle damage. Complainant stated her neighbors were having their yard mulched and a piece of wood struck her vehicle, shattering the back window.

Officer took a report and complainants stated their son criminally trespassed and snatched c/p’s phone. C/p stated offender was released from jail and shoved the door into c/p. Officers went to Moring St. to apprehend offender. Offender started to get loud and verbally combative with officer as he was detained. As offender was being escorted to officer’s unit, he engaged in pulling away from officer. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail and said he needed medical attention. Officer transported him to EMC and he threatened officers and was very verbally combative and abusive to everyone he came in contact with. Offender received a good bill of health and was transported back to EmCo Jail.

Officer took a report in reference to theft by deception. Complainant stated he had been in contact with an individual from Power Alex LLC in regards to buying a dump truck and wired half the money to include $23,495. C/p advised he called the individual and asked where the dump truck was at to be told it would arrive on July 8. C/p stated when it did not arrive, he called the individual again but did not get an answer and has yet to get in contact with him.

July 17

Officer was dispatched to E. Pine St. in reference to a report about the odor of marijuana and suspicious activity. Officer met with the apartment manager who stated a lot of her elderly residents have went to her complaining about the smell of marijuana coming from several apartments. C/p also stated there has been a lot of vehicle activity in the complex.

Officer responded to a walk-in report and complainant stated there were transactions made on her bank account and cashapp account totaling $754, with $549 of it being failed transactions, that she did not make.

Officer was dispatched to Kentucky Fried Chicken in reference to someone that would not leave the property. Complainant stated two of his employees got into an argument and offender would not leave after being asked to do so. C/p advised offender that she was fired and not to go back on the property and officer advised her not to return.

July 18

Officer was dispatched to N. Coleman St. in reference to harassing. Complainant stated offender had been harassing and threatening her and has threatened to have c/p’s son shot and to have c/p’s house shot up. C/p stated offender has a key to her apartment and has stolen several items.

Officer responded to WalMart in reference to complainant wanting to make a report about her ex-boyfriend threatening her. C/p stated her ex became irate and threatened her and her family by stating he would kill them and is concerned for her safety.

Officer was dispatched to Best Western in reference to a stolen cell phone. Complainant stated that while in the pool, his phone was stolen.

Officers were dispatched to Pine St. in reference to a dispute in an open lot across from the Fire Dept. Officer observed two females arguing back and forth with each other. Offender stated she was passing by when she noticed some kids in the open lot trying to fight and three of them were her grandchildren. Offender advised she knew the kids were attending a Summer Camp at the location and she pulled in to tell them to stop before someone got hurt and noticed there was not any adults outside supervising them. Offender stated when she pulled in one kid ran inside and complainant came outside and started accusing her of trying to run over the kids. C/p stated the kids were outside having free time during camp and one ran inside and stated offender almost ran them over so she went outside and made contact with offender and they began having words.

July 19

Officer was dispatched to EMC ER in reference to a male subject being cut multiple times. Victim stated he was walking home when three unknown young males pulled out something and cut him and ran away.