Wiregrass members present Colors at FMC


The First Methodist Church of Swainsboro held its weekly Sunday Service on July 2, 2023, at 11 a.m. The service’s theme was "God Bless America, ...land that I love".  The organist, Connie Terwilliger, opened service with "America". Choir Director, Bobby Reeves, then asked everyone to stand for the Presentation of the U.S. Flag, the Christian Flag and the Holy Bible. The Wiregrass Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard then marched in with Compatriot Dess Smith III carrying the U.S. Flag, Compatriot Gary Mason carrying the Christian Flag and Compatriot Wilder Smith, Jr. carrying the Holy Bible. The Color Guard stopped at the front of the church, turned to face the congregation and Bobby then led the congregation in the Pledge to the U.S. Flag, the Pledge to the Christian Flag and the Pledge to the Bible. After the pledges, Bobby asked the Color Guard to post the Colors. Counting the Color Guard were 14 members of the Wiregrass Chapter attending the service today. The opening Hymn for the service was America the Beautiful and during the Offertory, the organist played God Bless the USA on the piano. During the service, the Chancel Choir consisting of a full 14 members, sang a special arrangement of God Bless America by Joseph M. Martin. Pastor David Unkles sermon was on "Rewards?". A special note: The altar flowers are in memory of and in honor of CW4 John B. Derden, who served 26 years in the U.S. Army; William Ralph Graves, Sr., who served in World War II; and 1LT William Ralph Graves, Jr., who was killed in Vietnam; and in honor of James Derden, who served in the U.S. Army for three years. The flowers were given by John and Carolyn Derden.