At its May meeting, the Governor David Emanuel – Adam Brinson DAR Chapter held a luncheon at the Edenfield House Inn to install new officers for the 2024-2026 term. Outgoing Regent Martha Cobb expressed her appreciation to the chapter for their dedication and support during her tenure. She introduced Sandra Avant of the Governor Jared Irwin DAR Chapter of Sandersville, who conducted the installation of new officers for the 2024-2026 term.
The new officers for the Governor David Emanuel – Adam Brinson Chapter DAR are Regent Kay Lewis, Vice Regent Mary Elizabeth Woods, Treasurer Jane Durden, Registrar Connie Page, Historian Jill Briercheck, Recording Secretary Lynn Torrance, Librarian Teresa Mason, Corresponding Secretary Toni Terwilliger and Chaplain Martha Cobb.
After administering the oath of office, the new Regent, Kay Lewis, presented the outgoing regent with a gift and expressed her appreciation for her service to the chapter. After the presentation, she spoke to the chapter about her focus for the upcoming term.
The Daughters of the American Revolution is an organization with a deeply rich history while also being truly relevant in today’s world. More than 1,000,000 women have joined the organization since it was founded over 125 years ago. They became members to honor their heritage as well as make a difference in their communities across the country and the world.