What is your plan ?


Planning. It’s a good idea. We do it every day. If we don’t plan, things usually don’t go very well. Every accredited school, every successful business, and every effective organization teaches the value of planning. Every single one of them. There is no exception. Except, the federal government of the United States of America. How do we know that? Take a look at the amount of money this government owes. Look, if you dare, at how much money this country spends just paying the interest on the money it has already borrowed and spent. You might also wonder what happens to all the money that the citizens of this country remit every year to their government in Washington. That figure is estimated to be over 3 Trillion dollars by the close of this year. The national debt of this country is over 34 Trillion dollars and rising. Now, let’s say you make $50,000 a year. So, if your finances were in the same alarming shape as this country’s finances are, it would be equal to you having a personal debt that required that you work for the next 13 years without spending one more penny and sending everything you made to whoever you borrowed the money from. That is what happens when you don’t have a good plan. When you don’t have a good plan, you restrict energy policies, and raise the cost of heating and cooling and fueling transportation. That increases the cost of everything we buy. Without good planning, you fail to protect the border and allow 12 million illegal immigrants to pour into this country. Against the advice of your Generals, you order a hasty withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan creating chaos, panic and wholesale executions. With no plan, you stop the export of Liquid Natural Gas from the world’s leading producer, the USA, to European nations thereby forcing them to purchase it from Russia which provides Putin the money to finance his war against Ukraine. Without planning, you enact a foolishly premature plan to replace half of the cars Americans drive with electric vehicles within five years spending nearly 300 billion dollars on manufacturing rebates and charging stations that have yet to be built. You defy the Supreme Court by cancelling more than 250 billion dollars that should have been paid back in student debt. In a blatant and callous political move, you authorized a four trillion-dollar program for Covid recovery, when neither the medical or economic reasons justified it, and created the worst inflation in the last 38 years, leading to national debt increases and record cost of living spikes. With no plan, you have no strategy for defending this country or reestablishing its position of leadership throughout the free world. You are not in control, and there is no coordination of policy that comes out of the White House. You pander to extreme groups of disjointed special interest and ignore the common-sense majority that still holds on to the core principles of this country. Most disheartening now is the fact that, with no plan, you still refuse to make a serious, good-faith effort at bringing this divided nation together, as you promised. It is now getting late in the game, but perhaps now is the time for a plan of closure and resolution. So, Mr. President, what is your plan?