Veterans at the Library meet at Hall Clubhouse


The Veterans at the Library held their weekly meeting at the Clubhouse of Jerry and Paula Hall’s clubhouse Monday morning, July 15, at 9 a.m. With Chair Johnny Tapley presiding, they had 32 in attendance. Jerry, Paula, members of the Vets and Shari Watt fed them breakfastwhich included breakfast casserole, sausage, sausage and gravy, biscuits, sweet rolls, watermelon, blueberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, grapes, orange juice, grape juice, cranberry juice and coffee.

Chair John discussed several items including a few U.S. Flags being flown incorrectly in Emanuel County. Please, if you have a flag that is faded, torn, ripped, or just looks bad, replace it with a new flag. If you have a flagpole that does not have a U.S. Flag on it, please purchase one and fly the U.S. Flag proudly. Every day is “Flag Day” in America. Thank you, Jerry and Paula, for opening up your clubhouse to have the weekly meeting and showing great hospitality.