Seedling Garden Club's ‘Sophie's 80's Ladies and Gent’


After the death of the mother of Oleander District Director Joni Thompson, the district wanted to honor her in some way. Joni's mother, Miss Sophie, died at the age of 100, and was very active in all garden club work. She loved floral designing and won a lot of blue ribbons for her designs. Miss Sophie’s wishes were that she would live to be 100 and her wishes were granted.

Each club in Oleander District was asked to present pictures of their club's members over the age of 80 and still active. Thus, ‘Miss Sophie's 80"s Ladies’ was formed. These pictures are to appear in the district’s newsletter ‘Oleander Leaflets’.

Seedling Garden Club is very proud to present our Ladies and Gent members over 80: Dess Smith, Paula Karrh, Sally Willingham, Imogene Buckley, Kay Peacock, Sue Stockholm and Ann Peebles. They are all blessed to be able to continue their love for garden club work. Seedling Garden Club is very blessed to have these active members in their club.

Just proves you are never too old to be active and productive in what you enjoy.