Miss Brinson, Mr. Jimenez to exchange vows


Jeff and Brenda Brinson of Swainsboro are excited to announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Natasha Brinson, to Victor Sanchez Jimenez of Swainsboro. Mr. Jimenez is the son of Ernesto Sanchez Vasquez and Marta Jimenez Alvarez of Mexico. The bride-elect is employed by Senior Citizen Care Home. Miss Brinson is the granddaughter of Alice Marsh and the late Gerald Marsh of Swainsboro, and the late Maurine McDaniel and the late Billy Brinson of Swainsboro. The future groom is employed by Yardmaster. The wedding is planned for October 28, 2022, at their home in Midville, with a reception to follow.