Garfield resident named Professor Emeritus


James Arthur Anderson, of Garfield, was named Professor Emeritus at Johnson & Wales University (Providence, Rhode Island), where he taught English from 1984 until his retirement in 2021. During his years with the university, he has held several positions, most recently Professor at the university's North Miami campus (which closed in 2021), where he taught writing and literature.

Nominees for the emeritus title must have achieved the rank of Full Professor and taught for a minimum of 20 years, and must demonstrate teaching excellence, service to the university, and meritorious scholarship to a faculty committee and university administration.

Anderson is considered a leading Stephen King scholar and has published two full-length critical studies, The Linguistics of Stephen King (McFarland), and Excavating Stephen King (Rowman & Littlefield) He has just completed a new book, The Constant Reader’s Guide to Stephen King, which he expects to publish soon. He has taught courses in science fiction and a senior seminar on the work of Stephen King. Anderson has also published several novels and dozens of short stories. His poetry has appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction magazine, and others, and his poem "Shore Leave" has recently been nominated for a Dwarf Star Award by the Science Fiction Poetry Association.

Anderson earned his Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island, and his B.A. and M.A. from Rhode Island College. He currently teaches part-time at East Georgia State College.

After his retirement, Anderson relocated to Garfield, where he lives with his wife, Lynn, two spoiled horses, and a very spoiled dog.