Commissioners review storm damage and recovery


The October meeting of the Emanuel County Board of Commissioners took place Monday, October 21, at the Emanuel County Courthouse. Chairman Hugh Foskey called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and welcomed all. Following an invocation by County Attorney Richard McNeely and the pledge of allegiance, Commissioners reviewed minutes of the previous October 2 emergency meeting, the September 16 regular meeting, and the September 9 workshop meeting. Motion was brought and unanimously agreed to for acceptance of the minutes as presented. Next under public comments, Sheriff Jeff Brewer delivered a candid appraisal of the county government’s performance across all departments in response to the challenges of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Brewer had high praise not only for the official response of the county but also commended the vast number of individuals, private and non- governmental volunteer efforts that played a major role in responding to urgent human need and emergencies. The Sheriff recognized the efforts of Chairman Foskey and the Board of Commissioners for all the aid and support they provided and especially to County Administrator Guy Singletary and County Clerk Halei Lamb who were conducting emergency operations in the early morning hours of September 27, even before the destructive effects of the hurricane had departed the county. He also commented on the tireless efforts of the team in the Emergency Operations Center and the unsung heroes with tractors, chain saws, and generators that demonstrated how to fill in where the need was greatest. The Sheriff added, “On that Friday morning, all of these people working together got Emanuel County back to the point where we could pick up and get going again. That takes character, and our people and the volunteers didn’t worry about anything else except making that happen.” Brewer concluded by thanking the entire army of folks throughout Emanuel County for their part in getting through the damage of the storms. From the 911 workers to County Road Supervisor Morris and his team to the store owners who opened up even though they were without electricity or water. The comments of the Sheriff were echoed by Commission Chairman Foskey as well as the other commissioners. Following Sheriff Brewer, Tyler Evans of Yancey Brothers Equipment spoke and assured officials of the continuing support and responsiveness his company pledges in the continuing phases of storm recovery. David Hall of Swainsboro next addressed the board concerning the lack of information provided to the public concerning cooling shelters and other services during the period without electricity. Mr. Hall also questioned the lack of preparedness planning. Administrator Singletary replied to Hall’s issues stating that shelters were provided for displaced persons or those without power at the county recreation complex and various churches in the area. Singletary also explained that the county routinely holds drills and planning sessions dealing with emergency preparedness and this recent situation drew heavily from those established plans and contingencies which were promptly put into action. The next agenda item dealt with the continuing unfilled seat on the DFCS board. Applications are still being sought for that position. Under new business, the board voted to grant the establishment of a temporary position of Associate Probate Judge in order to provide for the transition of a newly elected incoming Probate Judge in January of next year. Also under new business, the board voted to enter into an agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation for the administration and contractual duties associated with TIA projects totaling over 3.5 million dollars to benefit Emanuel County. The Transportation Investment Act provides sales tax revenue for paving and other enhancement of local roads. Roads receiving improvement will be Empire Expressway, George Smith State Park highway, Modoc Road, Fairground Road and Canoochee-Garfield Road. This completed the evening’s agenda, and Chairman Foskey adjourned the meeting.

Following the meeting, informal conversations ensued dealing with the next stages in recovery from Hurricane Helene and Milton. Vice Chairman Jim Sherrod reiterated his appreciation for the non-stop attitude of county employees across the board in getting county operations back up and going. “ We are so blessed to have dedicated employees that really stepped up in their county’s hour of need” Commissioners Oliver and Thompson also spoke on the commitment demonstrated by county employees and the planning that went into the effort. “When people put the needs of others ahead of their own, that’s dedication, and that’s what we have seen and will continue to see from our people as we move ahead.” County Administrator Singletary thanked his staff, the commissioners and all the concerned citizens and volunteers throughout the county for their hard work, involvement and concern during recent days. He encouraged everyone to stay updated about the on-going county efforts for recovery and restoration with information on the Emanuel County website and facebook page.