Commissioners appoint new members and join “Propel”


The regular meeting of the Emanuel County Board of Commissioners was held Monday evening, June 19, in the Commission Board Room at the county office building. Chairman Hugh Foskey called the meeting to order and welcomed guests and media. County Attorney Richard McNeely provided the Invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Jim Sherrod. Motion was made, seconded and passed for approval of previous meeting and workshop minutes. There were no agenda items under old business, and Chairman Foskey called on County Administrator Singletary for presentation of new business. The Administrator discussed the PROPEL program that is being introduced by the State to assist predominantly rural counties in enhancing their economic development practices and related support activities. The program does not require local funding and is being offered by the State to help in preparing certain areas for an anticipated upswing in industrial growth. A motion to participate in the program was made by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Sherrod and passed. Next under new business, Administrator Singletary requested that the board consider appointment of members to the new Emanuel County Airport Authority. With the recent creation of the Authority, three members must be appointed, one of which may not be a government official. In accordance with that requirement, attorney Jerry Cadle was nominated to fill one of the positions. Commissioner Ricky Thompson and Commissioner Timmy Oliver were nominated to fill the remaining two seats. The motion was approved. In final business, the matter of appointments to the hospital board was addressed, and three names were selected for approval. Those nominated were John Allen Bailey, Wanda Ellison, and Chu Lin Ooi. The agenda was completed at that point, and Chairman Foskey called for adjournment.