Swainsboro Police Department Scavenger Hunt


The Police Department Scavenger Hunt began June 3, at 4:30 p.m. In addition to the winners that ran in the paper on June 18 and 25, Josie Radford found rock#18 at McRae Vet Clinic, Tinsley Sherrod found rock#16 at Southeastern Tech and Briar Jones found rock #17 at the old Coke Plant, Everleigh Lovehall found rock #20 at Red’s Quick Lube & Tire, Ellie Rountree found rock #19 at the Animal Shelter, Jackson Drew found rock #21 at Luck Gambrell Park and Charlie McNeely found rock #22 at Church Street Manor. The last two rocks, #23 and 24, have been hidden but not found as of press time.