Officers with the Swainsboro Police Department (SPD) reported…
April 1
Officer took a walk-in report in reference to stolen identity.
April 3
Officer was dispatched to S. Main St. in regard to vehicle damage.
Complainant went to SPD to make a report in reference to offender stalking him. Offender stated he has not messed with c/p.
Officer was dispatched to WalMart in reference to a male subject harassing people. Com-plainant stated the male subject had been harassing people since Sunday, March 31, and re-turns to the store every day harassing people. Officer made contact with offender and ad-vised him that he was being criminally trespassed from WalMart.
April 4
Officer met with complainant in reference to c/p stating she feels like offender is harassing her by constantly showing up where she is and starting drama.
Officer met with complainant who advised her firearm was stolen.
Officer was flagged down by a concerned citizen who stated a vehicle hit a pole in the SES parking lot. Witness stated it appeared that there was a verbal argument going on inside the vehicle and one the kids got out, the driver put the vehicle in drive instead of reverse and struck the light pole. A traffic stop was conducted based on the description of the vehicle given by the witness. The driver stated her kids were fussing over their snacks and she was upset and put the vehicle in reverse instead of drive.
April 5
Officers were dispatched to W. Meadowlake Pkwy to meet with complainant about an indi-vidual harassing one of her employees. Complainant stated she received several calls about one of her employees driving a dump truck attempting to run the caller off the road and driving recklessly. C/p then contacted her employee and learned that he was at home when the incident supposedly happened and informed c/p that the number calling belongs to of-fender who has been harassing him and his wife due to letting someone stay at their house. C/p advised the caller made several threats concerning the victim.
Officer was dispatched to E. Main St. in reference to a two-vehicle accident. Offender advised she opened her door and it hit complainant’s door.
Officer observed a vehicle with suspended registration, at which time he initiated a traffic stop. Officer observed the passenger pull his hood up on his jacket and the vehicle doors opened and both occupants exited the vehicle. Both were given loud verbal commands to stop, and the passenger attempted to keep going but looked back and officer recognized him and called him by name and he walked back to the car and asked if he was going to jail. The driver was identified and stated she didn’t have a driver’s license. The passenger was wanted on a probation warrant.
April 6
Officer was dispatched to S. Racetrack St. in reference to a burglary. Complainant stated her PS and Xbox were missing, as well as three controllers, HDMI cord and power cord, and there was no forced entry but the front window curtain was moved. Officer inspected the window and discovered it to open easily and was a possible entry for the unknown offender.
Officers were dispatched to N. Main St. regarding a domestic dispute. Complainant advised his girlfriend has been overseeing the flea market and he asked for money to get his motorcy-cle out of the impound and offender refuses to give him his money. C/p stated a verbal ar-gument started and he tried to grab his phone out of offender’s hand and she started hitting and scratching him. Officers located offender and she stated c/p threw her to the ground and began to hold her down and scratched him trying to get away. Both were placed under arrest for disorderly conduct.
Officers were dispatched to Lee St. in reference to a fight. Contact was made with several people on the porch who stated there had been a fight inside the house and one was still in-side. Officer made entry and saw a male subject with a big area of white powder substance in his nose and officer was advised the male subject was one of the ones fighting. Offender stated “I do use cocaine and I’m going to do my drugs”. Officer began a terry frisk and a ra-zor knife, straw with residue and clear cellophane bag with cocaine was found on his person. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
April 7
Officer ran a tag and discovered it did not have valid insurance and suspended registration, at which time he initiated a traffic stop. The driver did not have a valid license.
Officer responded to Deer Creek Dr. in reference to a dog going in complainant’s yard attack-ing their dogs. Officer spoke with c/p then went to offender’s residence and the dog was tied to a table in the carport, but no one was home. Contact was made with the owner who ad-vised she would have her son go to SPD.
April 8
Officer observed a vehicle traveling 61 MPH in a 45 MPH zone, at which time he initiated a traffic stop. Officer discovered the driver’s license are suspended.
Officer responded to Kite Rd. for a report of a person getting hit by a car. Complainant stated he was working at WalMart gathering shopping carts when a vehicle backed up and hit him. C/p stated the driver got out and asked if he was ok and got back in her vehicle and left. C/p stated he advised his supervisor of what happened, but the police was not called that day.
Officer took a walk-in report in reference to complainant stating she purchased a vehicle and the tag was delivered to an unknown address and was told to file a report in order to get a new tag.
Officer was dispatched to EmCo Jail and spoke with complainant who stated a male subject was making threats against him. C/p stated offender went up to him and was waving a handgun around while stating he would handle him.
April 9
Officer was dispatched to N. Racetrack St. in reference to an entering auto report. Complain-ant stated multiple vehicles in his yard got broken into and a gun was taken. C/p stated he believes offender is his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.
April 10
Complainant went to SPD and stated he was tired of being chased by the drone and wanted them to stop chasing him and following him. C/p was advised that it was not SPD and he stated he wanted them to go to Mike’s Food Mart and pull the camera footage. Officers went with c/p to Mike’s and pulled the footage and it showed c/p being chased and harassed by a drone. Officers are working to find out who the private drone belongs to and why they are harassing c/p.
Complainant went to SPD to file a report on offender for harassment. Officers went to Gum-log Rd. to follow up with offender who was sitting under the carport. As officers exited their unit, offender made her way inside the home. The odor of marijuana was present and strong as officers approached the residence. When offender opened the door, the odor was strong and present coming from inside. Officer advised offender of the report made and she stated she had net seen c/p but she is claiming her boyfriend on her taxes and it’s wrong.
Officer responded to Mary Ann St. in reference to a suspicious person on her back porch. The male subject made contact with officers and stated he was cutting across the property to get to a house at the corner and a dog ran out and he started kicking at the dog and c/p came out and informed him it was private property. Witnesses stated offender was on the back of c/p’s porch and she went outside and told him it was private property and offender started cussing and yelling at c/p and told her she could call the police. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
Officer responded to W. Church St. in reference to multiple shots fired in the area. Com-plainant stated he and his grandchildren were in the back yard when multiple shots were heard and he rushed the children inside. When the gun shots stopped, c/p went outside and noticed his tire on his truck was flat and believes it was hit by a bullet. C/p advised the shots seemed to have come from Central St. and there were 15-20 shots. Officer spoke with neighbors who advised a bullet went through her window in the kitchen. Officer observed broken windows and a hole in the wall. Officer also found a projectile lodged in the exterior wall. Several caliber shell casings were found by officers.
Officers were dispatched to Waffle King in reference to an unwanted person. Complainant stated offender has been asked not to return and officer made contact with offender and ad-vised him that he would be criminally trespassed for one year.
April 11
Officer observed two subjects using cellphone flashlights looking under the hood of a vehicle and made contact with them. The two males stated they were trying to remove the battery from one vehicle so they could take it home and charge it so they could move the car out of the parking lot. Neither one had ID on them but identified themselves and one was on the phone with the registered owner who verified they were working on her car. Officer returned to his unit and ran the male’s info to find one was wanted out of Toombs Co. When officer returned to the vehicle, the wanted male was gone so the officer asked where he went and was told he walked to the store. 911 advised Toombs Co. wanted a hold placed on offender but they were unable to locate him.
Officer responded to S. Racetrack St. in reference to a property dispute. Complainant stated his ex was putting his property out of the house and he called officers on Sunday to stand by while he collected his clothes and truck. C/p stated the furniture in the residence belongs to him and he still pays rent on the residence and he and the landlord are in the process of evicting his ex. Officer spoke with offender who stated c/p already got his property and he had been gone for weeks. Officer advised offender she could not put c/p’s belongings out-side or damage it or she would be held liable.
Officer was dispatched to Lucky St. in reference toa child custody dispute. Complainant stated a temporary custody form was filled out on 4/1/24 and a dispute took place on 4/11/24 and offender stated shew as going to pick the child up but c/p did not want an altercation, so she called law enforcement. After speaking with offender, it was discovered that the TCF was never processed with a judge or DFCS but it was in the child’s best interest to be left with c/p for the night. Offender and c/p were advised to go to SPD the following day in reference to the child’s placement. Offender agreed to leave the child with c/p for the night.