Officers with the Swainsboro Police Department (SPD) reported…
March 8
Officer observed a vehicle traveling 50 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, at which time he initiated a traffic stop. The driver advised his license are suspended. Offender was arrested and transported to EmCo Jail.
Officer performed a traffic stop for window tint. Officer checked the tint where it was 16% and legal tint is 32%.
Complainant went to SPD to file a complaint about offender using her debit card for $200 without her consent.
Officer ran a license plate to find the vehicle had not insurance or registration, at which time he initiated a traffic stop. The driver’s license came back suspended. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
Officer responded to Industrial Way in reference to offender passing in a no passing zone at a high rate of speed. The driver did not have her license on her and the vehicle was uninsured. Vehicle was towed.
March 9
Officer noticed an establishment open after 2 a.m. and could hear music playing and could see disco lights with 9-10 cars in the parking lot. Officer entered the establishment and asked for the manager or owner. He walked from the rear of the business and was advised of the issue of him being open serving alcohol at 2:10 a.m. The business owner had been warned before of the same incident and was advised that if it happened again, he would be cited and shut down until he could speak with the Chief. The business owner was cited for hours of operation of alcohol and his license were pulled until he could speak with the Chief and get them back.
Officers were checking on local clubs to make sure they were closed by 2 a.m. and there were 10-15 cars in the parking lot at 2:05 a.m. Officer had to leave for another call and returned to the location at 2:29 a.m. to find 4 cars in the parking lot. Officer walked up to the door and the manager/operator met him at the door and said they were closed but were cleaning up. Several bottles of liquor were behind the counter and in the freezer. Since the establishment does not have liquor license, the manager was told to pour the liquor out and was cited for being open after 2 a.m. and the business license and beer license were pulled. Manager was advised not to open for business until she spoke with the Chief and got her license back.
Officer observed a male subject matching the description of a wanted person on Calhoun St. When officer approached the male subject, he fled on a bicycle and was apprehended shortly after. The male subject was not the wanted person and when asked why he fled, he stated because he had some green on him.
Officers responded to Enmarket in reference to a shoplifter. Complainant advised two male subjects walked into the store and ordered two chicken tender dinners and walked out without paying, totaling $17.26.
Officers were dispatched to Arden Dr. in reference to complainant stating a tree fell on her property causing damage. C/p stated she has complained to the neighbor on McMillan that the tree was leaning towards her property and it would fall soon and the complaint was ignored and refused to remove the tree. C/p stated she called offender when the tree fell and he refused to assist her with cleaning it up and fixing her fence. C/p also stated she fears offender’s dog will go through the fence and harm her, and she would like reimbursement form offender for hiring someone to remove the tree and fix her fence.
Officer was dispatched to Gumlog Rd. in reference to an unwanted person. Complainant stated her sister’s boyfriend continues to go to her house and he has been told not to return but he continues to. Officers observed a male push another male at another set of apartments so they walked down there and made contact with offender who was highly intoxicated and used vulgar language with children present. Offender was advised not to use the vulgar language and he continued to do so. Offender was arrested and transported to EmCo Jail.
Officer observed the passenger of a vehicle repeatedly stick his head out the window while he was behind it and the driver constantly looking in the driver mirror. Officer thought it was odd and ran the license plate. The driver pulled into WalMart parking lot and went inside. When he returned to the truck, he was identified and known to have active warrants and his license are suspended/revoked. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
Officers were dispatched to EMC ER in reference to sexual assault. Officers were informed that the victim stated she had been raped by her father and uncle in Augusta and dropped off and left in Swainsboro on the side of the road by her uncle after the incident and she is being forced to do things with a male subject in Swainsboro.
March 10
Officers were dispatched to Allen St. in reference to a domestic. Offender stated she and her husband got into an argument and he hit her and pushed her but there were no visual signs of physical marks on her. Officer spoke with complainant who stated offender drank too much and gets irate and he confronted her about talking ab out him and she got physical with him so he pushed her back. Officer then spoke with the children who stated when their mom drinks she wants to show out and that’s what happened and she picked a fight with their dad. Offender stated she would leave for the night.
March 11
Complainant made a report about her firearm being stolen from her vehicle. C/p stated she allowed offender to use her vehicle to go to work and he stole her glock valued at $411. C/p stated she approached offender and he was about to return it but fled on foot.
Officer met with complainant who stated offender sent her a text saying she was going to slap her and advised her boss about it and no action was done. C/p stated she was walking her kids to the classroom when offender went up to her and started fussing.
March 12
Officer was dispatched to Norwood Ave. in reference to a damaged vehicle. 911 advised offender was still on scene and tried to hit victim with a hammer. Upon arrival, the two were arguing and were separated. Victim stated offender used a weapon to flatten his tire and a small cut was observed in the tire but offender denied doing it. Offender was asked to leave.
March 13
Officers responded to Calhoun St. in reference to an unwanted person. Officers spoke with both parties and a witness. Complainant stated offender went to the residence drunk and started yelling and pushed her. Witness stated both parties yell and push each other all the time. Offender was placed under arrest for failure to comply with officers because he was warned not to go back on the property.
Officers responded to King Circle Dr. in reference to a domestic. Complainant advised she wanted her boyfriend out of the house as he walked out and stated he lives at the residence and is on the lease. C/p stated her boyfriend punched her and she grabbed a box cutter and swung at him but didn’t know she cut him. Primary aggressor could not be determined. Both suspects were arrested for disorderly conduct and transported to EmCo Jail.
March 14
Officer responded to N. Green St. in reference to an assault. Victim was bleeding heavily from her mouth and the back of her hand and had a towel wrapped around her head. Victim stated offender was gone and refused medical attention. Victim would not give offender’s name.