Officers with the Swainsboro Police Department (SPD) reported…
January 23
Officer met with complainant who stated someone backed into his vehicle while at WalMart.
January 25
Officer met with complainant who stated someone went through his vehicle and tore the screen on his porch.
January 26
Officer was dispatched to W. Main St. in reference to stolen property. Complainant stated someone went in her vehicle and stole cash form her wallet.
Officers were dispatched to S. Racetrack St. in reference to an unwanted person being irate. Offender stated complainant kicked her out and threw all her stuff on the porch. Officer spoke with c/p who had visible marks on his neck, chest, arms and face, and stated his grandchildren were at his house and offender came in high on drugs and started being irate. C/p stated he did not want offender around his grandchildren in that state and tried to make her leave and she became physical and grabbed two knives in an attempt to do harm to him. Offender was arrested and transported to EmCo Jail.
Officer spoke with complainant who stated someone stole her wallet out of her vehicle.
Officer met with complainant in reference to someone stealing his pistol.
Complainant stated someone hacked her bank account and took $4,000.
January 27
Officer was dispatched to Washington Ave. in reference to complainant stated she received a phone call from the person keeping her child and was told the child’s father was there trying to get the child. C/p stated she then went to the residence to see why offender was trying to get the child and a verbal argument started and offender grabbed her and pinned her down in the porch and put his hands around her throat.
Officer was dispatched to Stevens Dr. in reference to complainant advising his ex/offender pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.
Officer ran the registration on a vehicle to find the registered owner/driver has suspended license, at which time he initiated a traffic stop. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
Officers were dispatched to W. Pine St. in reference to a domestic. Complainant stated he and offender got into an argument and offender hit him with her fist and scratched him and busted his back window on his truck. Offender stated c/p would not let her leave and took her keys and c/p put his hands on her and pushed her. Both parties were arrested and transported to EmCo Jail.
Officer observed a vehicle fail to slow down or move over for an emergency vehicle, at which time he initiated a traffic stop and the driver failed to stop. Officer ran the tag to find the ve-hicle had no insurance and suspended registration. The vehicle finally came to a stop to find his license are suspended. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
Officer was dispatched to Hickory Trace in reference to complainant stating she and her daughter got into an argument that turned physical.
January 28
Officer spoke with complainant who stated some demons went into her residence and took a food card. C/p stated the demons go to her house often and take things.
Officer met with complainant who stated his tow dolly detached from his vehicle while driv-ing and
rolled into a tree line across from N. Anderson Dr. C/p stated he left and when he went back to get it, it was gone.
January 29
Complainant met with officer and stated she left her wallet on the counter at a store and went back to get it and was advised there was no wallet there. The wallet was later found by the buggy return in WalMart parking lot and turned in to SPD.
Officer ran the tag on a vehicle to fine it had suspended registration, at which time he initiat-ed a traffic stop. During the traffic stop, it was determined that the driver has suspended license. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
January 30
Officer observed a male subject walking in the early morning hours and due to recent auto break-ins, he got out and spoke with the male subject. During questioning, it was found that offender had an active warrant for shoplifting. Offender advised he was unaware of the war-rant, and it must be an error. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail due to Bibb County wanting a hold placed.
Officer was dispatched to W. Pine St. in reference to complainant stating he received a call that his house had been broken into. C/p stated he knows his ex-girlfriend broke in by bust-ing the window and destroying the inside.
Officer met with complainant where she advised an unknown person damaged her vehicle.
January 31
Officers responded to Enterprise St. in reference to a break-in. Complainant showed security footage that showed two male subjects entering the home.
Officers were dispatched to Lucky ST. in reference to a burglary. Complainant stated a win-dow was busted with a brick.
Officer was dispatched to Curtis ST. in reference to complainant stating children from across the street were throwing rocks and put a hole in his bathroom window. Officer spoke with the mother of the children who stated she did not see her children throw any rocks.
February 1
Officer was dispatched to Allen St. in reference to complainant stating she was given a dog and the person that gave her the dog has started messaging her that she wants the dog back and told her she would stab her if she didn’t give it back.
Officer was dispatched to EMC ER in reference to a patient causing problems and punched a hole in the wall. Officer was advised that the patient hit his head against the wall then punched it. Offender was transported to EmCo Jail.
Officers responded to W. MLK Blvd. in reference to a family member taking children without permission. Complainants advised offender charged his way into the residence causing a dispute over a phone charger and refused to leave. All parties were all believed to be under the influence of drugs. Offender was trespassed from the location and made aware not to return. While officer was gathering information, offender returned to the location yelling and was placed under arrest and transported to EmCo Jail.