Scavenger Hunt for Books counting down!


Only one more week for the hunters to find the final book of the Scavenger Hunt. Family Connection encourages all the families to give their best try in getting the final book during the Week 8 Hunt. "Even if a family has missed a few weeks, getting books for leisure reading is the goal. Encouraging and strengthening reading is a big part of our strategy work in Emanuel County", states Tammy Allen, Family Connection Coordinator.

They also want to give a big shout out to the business that was the secret business for Week 7 - East Georgia Healthcare, another strong supporter of improving childhood literacy in the county. Don't forget there will be an end-of-hunt party on July 27, from 10 to 11 a.m. at the library, where books that were missed will be available, refreshments and t-shirts for those hunters who were successful in at least two hunts.