Recent storms cause damage to pumping station equipment


The recent rain from last weekend’s storms, estimated by NWS Peachtree City as 3 to 5 inches in the area, resulted in a flooded underground equipment vault at the pumping station located on Fortune Loop. CWS employees were able to pump out the vault to access it to check for any damage. Due to being below grade, with the possibility of hazardous gases present, entry must follow OSHA guidelines. Called a “Confined Space Entry”, the Swainsboro Fire Department was requested to assist with the operation. The hazmat team members were deployed along with rescue technicians from Metter Fire-Rescue. With air monitoring of the vault, positive pressure ventilation, and a tripod rescue system in place, the operation was begun. When all systems were checked to be functioning properly, a CWS employee wearing proper safety gear was lowered into the pit. While he was there, two firefighters wearing SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus) were on standby next to the pit as a rescue team. The operation lasted around two and a half hours to a safe ending.