It's not too late


No, it is not too late. You may say what is it not too late for? If you have been thinking and toiling over a situation which needs your consideration, it's not too late to set it in order. Just know that God has extended your time on earth to get some things right.

It's not too late to forgive. When we pray in Matthew chapter 6:12, we pray for God to forgive us. In the prayer Jesus says, "Forgive us our debts, (trespass or sins) as we forgive our debtors." (those who have sinned against us). See, it's not for you to wait for someone to forgive you, your salvation and peace in this life depends on you forgiving others.

It doesn't matter what the situation has been. Let it go. Give it up. Make the peace. Remember again in Matthew chapter five Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God". Yes, make the peace. If it's not received, then you will have peace within yourself. Forgive.

So why is it so important to forgive? Because Matthew 6:14 says, "If you do not forgive, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you." So don't let unforgiveness keep you from seeing God in peace. No, it's not too late. Let it go. Jesus finished it on the cross. He forgave his enemies so we must do the same in order to be like him. Remember it's not too late. Forgive, let it Go. The God we serve is a God of Peace. Let it Go. It's not too late.