I can hear – But it’s not CLEAR


Proper assessment and treatment to improve hearing and understanding

Do you ever find it tricky to understand what people are saying, even though you can hear them? Well, you're not alone! Some folks experience difficulty understanding speech because of something called cochlear dead regions. Let's learn more about what that means and how modern hearing aids can help.

First off, let's talk about the cochlea. It's a tiny, snail-shaped organ in your ear that helps you hear sounds. Inside the cochlea are special cells called hair cells or stereocilia. These hair cells pick up sounds and send signals to your brain, helping you understand what you're hearing.

But sometimes, certain parts of the cochlea don't work like they should. These are called cochlear dead regions. It's like having a part of your ear that's not sending the right signals to your brain, even though it can still hear sounds.

People with cochlear dead regions might complain that they can hear speech, but it's not very clear. It's like trying to listen to someone talking through a muffled phone or with a lot of background noise. This can make it tough to follow conversations, especially in noisy places like restaurants or parties.

Now, here's where modern hearing aids come in to save the day! These high-tech devices are designed to help people hear better, especially those with cochlear dead regions.

One cool thing about modern hearing aids is that they can be programmed to bypass those dead regions in the cochlea. Instead of trying to send signals through areas that aren't working properly, the hearing aid focuses on stimulating the parts of the cochlea that still have nerve function. It's like finding a detour around a roadblock!

Dr. Pitt, a local audiologist in Swainsboro, explains “Its like taking a static radio station and turning it up. It just amplifies the static and does nothing to add clarity. Our patients want clarity not static”. And, according to Pitt, “new technology allows us to bypass the static and provide the clarity needed.”

By doing this, the hearing aid can help improve the clarity of speech for people with cochlear dead regions. It's like turning up the volume on the parts of the cochlea that are still working well, so you can hear speech more clearly.

But how does the hearing aid know which parts of the cochlea to focus on? Well, that's where some fancy technology comes into play! Modern hearing aids can be programmed and customized to fit each person's unique hearing needs.

Audiologists, who are experts in hearing and balance, work with individuals to fine-tune their hearing aids. They use special tests to figure out which parts of the cochlea are working and which ones aren't. Then, they adjust the settings on the hearing aid to make sure it's targeting the right areas.

With the help of modern hearing aids, people with cochlear dead regions can experience significant improvements in their ability to understand speech. They can participate more fully in conversations, enjoy social gatherings without feeling left out, and feel more confident in their day-to-day interactions.

So, if you or someone you know struggles with understanding speech because of cochlear dead regions, don't fret! There are solutions out there to help you hear better and live life to the fullest. Thanks to advancements in technology and the expertise of audiologists, modern hearing aids are making a big difference in the lives of many.