Emanuel Retired Educators meet at Swainsboro Primary


The Emanuel Retired Educators Association held its October meeting in the Swainsboro Primary School Media Center on Wednesday, October 18, with twenty-one members present. In the absence of President Judy Hendrix, President-elect Verdell Brinson called the meeting to order. Swainsboro Primary Principal Sarah Tapley provided a warm welcome from the school and shared information about the school's mission and the many academic and community programs within the school.

President-elect Brinson then introduced Theresa Davis, Director of the CHOICE Program at East Georgia State College. Davis explained that CHOICE is an inclusion program designed for students with disabilities who desire to pursue a complete college immersion experience. CHOICE is a two-year program culminating in the potential receipt of college course credit, workforce preparedness and lifelong learning experiences. The program has been in place for ten years and has seen 150 of its students graduate.

President-elect Brinson reminded members that at the November EREA meeting, members would help stock the Emanuel County Animal Shelter. Members were encouraged to bring dog food and old blankets and towels to the November meeting. She also reminded members that November 5 is Retired Educators' Day in Georgia. Ribbons were distributed for members to wear on that day.

The next EREA meeting is set for Wednesday, November 15, at Swainsboro Middle School at noon. Our local state legislators will provide a legislative update.