Don't give up now


Yes, life is getting more challenging. Yes, things are rapidly moving and changing. Choices seem to get more complicated. The atmosphere of this world is changing. Everybody is feeling it even if they don't talk about it. So don't feel all alone. Don't be discouraged. You are still here. Not by your own power or your own knowledge but it is the goodness and grace of God.

So don't give up now. Don't throw in the towel. God will make a way for you just as he has always done. Don't feel defeated. You are strong. You are mighty. Stay in the fight. God has won that victory for you.

It's time to encourage yourself in the Lord. It's for your deliverance for you to encourage someone else. Get mind off of yourself and reach out to someone else. There are so many people in your environment that need you. You have so much to give. You are so valuable so give of yourself.

Don't give up now. You have already come too far. There are better days ahead. Keep on looking up. Psalm 121:1-2 says, "I will lift my eyes unto the hills from where my help comes from, my help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." See, he was there all of the time. So, press forward. Don't look back. My dad would tell me to keep on stepping. There are better days ahead. Keep praying, keep reading God's word, keep on believing.

There was a song back in the day that the old folk would sing, and it went like this, "Let Jesus fix it for you. He knows just what to do. Whenever you pray, let him have His way and Jesus will fix it for you." So don't give up just keep on looking up.