Calvary UMC to Hold Vacation Bible School


Calvary UMC will be hosting a unique VBS experience on Saturday, June 3. According to Rev. Tom Tidwell, Calvary pastor, “The Glory Train VBS will be a fun-filled, half-day adventure to help children discover the power of Jesus in the ups and downs of life.” “Children will participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing favorite songs, play games, create keepsake crafts, enjoy delicious snacks, and ride the fantastic Glory Train!” Rev. Tidwell added. “The Glory Train was designed and built by our own Randall Kersey and Jack Clark and will provide children with the excitement of riding on a fantastic train that will carry out our VBS theme!” stated VBS Coordinator Linda Carmichael. The afternoon of fun and learning will conclude with the children being served a light boxed meal in the “Dining Car” (Church Social Hall) and a final ride on the Glory Express.

The Glory Express VBS is for children who will be entering Pre-K in the Fall through children who will have completed the 5th grade this school year. “This VBS program is being conducted as a gift of love to the children of Calvary as well as the children of our community. I encourage you to bring your children so that they may experience the love of Jesus in a fun and unique atmosphere.” stated Mrs. Carmichael.

Activities will begin at 1:00 pm on June 3rd and will end at 4:45. Children must be pre-registered in order to attend, and space is limited. Please call the Church at 478-237-2191 for more information and to pre-register. You don’t want to miss the Train!