Wiregrass officers installed


The Wiregrass Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held its monthly meeting Thursday night, January 11, at The Stockyard Restaurant at 6:30 p.m. With President Steve Burke presiding, there had 29 in attendance. Compatriot David Lanier Morgan was inducted as a new member of the Wiregrass Chapter by GASSAR President-elect Ed Ri-gel, Jr. David was approved by the National Society on October 13, 2023, with the National number 223024 and a Georgia number of 8766. His Revolutionary War Patriot is Thomas Brandon. President-elect Ed then installed the following officers as the Wiregrass Staff: Alton Reynolds, 1st Vice President; Gary Mason, 2nd Vice President; Jim Dekle, Secretary/Treasurer; Dess Smith III, Registrar; Watson Mosley, Sgt-at-Arms; Ruskin Powell, Historian; Emory Fennell, Chaplain; John Derden, Genealogist; Julian Sconyers, Chancellor. President-elect Ed then installed the Wiregrass Chapter President Steve Burke. They had an honored guest attend the installation, the President of the Little River Chapter, Alton McCloud. A special thanks to Compatriot Ed Rigel, Jr. for making the trip from Forsyth County to install the 2024 officers and also to The Stockyard for their outstanding meal and service for the evening.