SPD: 7.3.24


Officers with the Swainsboro Police Department (SPD) reported…

June 21

Officers received a call to La Rosita in reference to a female trying to fight with the owner. C/p stated that the offender opened the door between the two businesses and got into a ver-bal argument with her about the door being opened. Offender told officers that a man who was doing some maintenance work for her and opened the door to the restaurant by accident and did not know where it led to. The dispute was mediated.

Officers were dispatched to Pratt Ave in reference to a stolen flashlight. C/p stated that the flashlight was on the table when he went to make a pizza for him and the offender and when he returned, it was missing along with the offender.

911 dispatched officers to the Walmart parking lot in reference to vehicle damage. 911 ad-vised that the c/p stated that while she was inside Walmart that an unknown subject hit her vehicle.

C/p advised that while at Walmart, damage was done to the rear passenger side of his vehi-cle.

June 22

911 dispatched officers to Dollar General in reference to the offender on the property. 911 ad-vised that the offender had been told not to return to the store. C/p stated that she has told the offender three times not to come back to the property and he continues to return. A crim-inal trespass warrant was served to the offender, and he signed the notice.

Officers were at SPD speaking with the probationers and the probation supervisor. One of the probationers arrived and began yelling and arguing with a subject. The subject told offic-ers that the probationer’s mother did not want him living with her anymore. Later, officers received a call to the residence by the probationer/c/p. C/p stated that he was given permis-sion to go to the residence to gather his belonging, when the subject jumped him. While he was being arrested, a strong odor of marijuana was coming off of him. Offender was arrested for possession of marijuana.

Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with no valid insurance. The vehicle was towed.

June 23

Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with expired registration and no valid insurance. Vehicle was towed.

911 dispatched officers to Abundance Street in reference to the offender wanting to report someone seeing drugs. Upon arrival, offender was nowhere to be found. C/p came up to of-ficer wanting to make a report on offender for constantly causing a disturbance in the neigh-borhood.

Officers were dispatched to a call in reference to making a report. Upon arrival, officer spoke with c/p who stated that she had been getting messages from a female subject in reference to her boyfriend. She was asking if they were still together and stated that she was told he had another girlfriend. The offender was blocked.

Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with no valid insurance. The vehicle was towed.

June 24

Officer was dispatched to the hospital in reference to a report. C/p stated that she has told the offender to not return to her house, but he continues to do so.

911 dispatched officers to Oaklawn Drive to meet with c/p next door, who states that her neighbor has a dog on a wire cord that had killed the dog. The neighbor was cited for animal cruelty.

911 dispatched officers to Abundance Street in reference to a female causing disturbance. Of-ficers met with c/p and offender on arrival. Offender stated that her mother and c/p had been in their room drinking for most of the night. Her mother went to the kitchen and her face was red, and the offender believed that her boyfriend had hit her. She confronted him and c/p stated that she threatened to hit him.

Officer was dispatched to North Main Street in reference to someone taking threats via email. C/p stated that the offender used false information to get her to come take care of him as his home health care provider. She stated that he used edited pictures and stated that he was a CIA agent. She also stated that she is scared of him because he gets out of rehab in a few days, and he has threatened her with lawsuits if she does not take care of him. C/p stated that offender only pays her $10 in gas and $20 for food every week. She also said that the house had no hot water, bed bugs, roaches, and one air conditioner. She then stated that he had a gun with a laser that he used to point at neighbors. The gun was collected.

June 25

Officer was conducting an investigation and a rock striking the windshield of a vehicle.

911 dispatched officers to Lee Street for the theft of a cell phone. Contact was made with c/p who stated that the offender was in his home, and he later noticed that his cell phone had been taken. He stated that this was not the first time she had taken it.

911 dispatched officers to East Church Street in reference to a burglary. C/p stated that on that morning, someone unknown to him, threw something and busted three of his big front windows of his business. All of the windows were still intact but were shattered.

Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with suspended registration. The driver’s license was found to be suspended and she was arrested.

June 26

Officer was at SPD in reference to a walk in report. C/p stated that someone had used his debit card in the amount of $59.99.

Officer was at SPD in reference to a walk in report. C/p stated that the offender had made a Facebook post about her, and it upset her son, causing him to go to the offender’s residence to attempt to fight him. C/p stated that they had problems with offender before.

Officers were dispatched to Center Street in reference to a male that was receiving threats. Upon arrival, c/p was standing in his yard on his phone. When officers approached him, he stated that he had been receiving death threats from the offender. He stated that the offend-er pulled up to his house and told him not to show up to work.

Officer responded to Lucky Street in reference to a tree down and on top of a power line. C/p advised that there was no power at the residence and the tree had fallen on top of the vehicle in the driveway.

June 27

Officer was at SPD in reference to a walk in report. C/p stated that someone had stolen money out of her wallet at work, and that she had noticed money missing out of her wallet before.

C/p came into SPD to make a report. She stated that she received a call on her phone that morning and the person on the other end threatened her. She stated that she and another woman’s children had the same father and the two women had problems once, but it had been a long time.

C/p walked into SPD to make a report on stolen copper wire from a job site. He stated that he worked for a construction company and had overheard three men planning to steal the copper wire. He later stated that he heard them bragging about it at work.

Officer was called to SPD in reference to a report. C/p stated that he was outside of the Gar-den Center at Walmart when his girlfriend’s sister was driving a car and did a u-turn and almost hit him with the vehicle. He stated that his girlfriend and her sister do not get along. Offender stated that she forgot her medicine at Walmart and that she did a u-turn but did not see him.

Officer was approached by a detective and asked to do a report for entering auto in reference to a firearm that had been previously stolen. C/p was already at SPD and advised that the listed firearm was taken from the vehicle by unknown offenders.

Officer responded to Gumlog Road in reference to a fight that had already taken place. 911 advised the vehicle that the offender was driving, and the vehicle was later found. Offender stated that the victim/c/p hit her in the head with a pot and pulled her hair out. C/p stated that the offender was on the phone with her child’s father when she walked up to her. She stated that the child’s father told the offender to “get her” and that is when the fight began. C/p stated that the offender hit her with a pot and pulled her hair and tried to pull her out of the house by her hair. Both parties were transported to Emanuel Medical Center where the offender ran out of the side door of the ER.

Officer responded to Gumlog Road in reference to someone putting sugar in a gas tank. C/p stated that someone called her while she was at the ER and told her three men were messing with her vehicle. When she returned home, she saw sugar on the ground then saw more when she opened her gas tank. She stated that it was her baby’s father that committed the crime because he is mad at her.

Officer was dispatched to a residence on West Church Street in reference to a dispute. Upon arrival, parties were separated. C/p/victim stated that she had just recently moved to the address to get away from her ex-boyfriend/offender. She then stated that she wanted him trespassed from the residence. Offender sated that the only reason he was there was to get back some money that he had allegedly sent her, and she told him she was not giving him anything. She stated that he never gave her any money and that he was just harassing her to get back together with her. A criminal trespass warrant was issued.