Seedling Garden Club beautifies nursing home


The Seedling Garden Club voted to adopt the Emanuel County Nursing Home as their new project. On Monday, October 16, President Nancy Lisenby called upon members to meet at the nursing home to plant flowers in the six concrete pots leading into the home. They got busy replacing old soil with new and planting beautiful plants. Their next project at the home will be to redo the raised bed planter located to the side of the home. Plans are to clean planter, add new soil and plant vegetables. Hopefully some of the residents can help with this.

Their goal is that these projects will bring sunshine and cheer to the nursing staff and visitors but most of all bring a smile to the patients. Hopefully in the future, they can bring patients out to view and enjoy the beautiful, planted pots. They were delighted that one of the patients, Virgil Wells, was able to go and enjoy the plantings. He was happy to see the beauty of Mother Nature and the improvements made to the home's walkway.

Kelly Jackson, the home's Social Worker and Carmen Tanner, Administrator in Training, joined and put their approval on this worthwhile project. They were very happy and thanked them several times.

Garden club members with garden tools in hand and garden gloves on were Nancy Lisenby, club president, Imogene Buckley, Kim Hooks and Kay Peacock.