Piney Grove Missionary Baptist hosts Annual Senior Citizen Program


Sunday, August 25, was a day of love, giving praise and thanks to God, through songs, prayers, testimonies, poems, scriptures, short talks, and rhythmic expressions as the Mission Ministry of Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Cross–Green Community, Rev. Michael Thomas, Pastor, hosted their Annual Senior Citizen Program, “The Joy of Growing Old”. Sis Joanne C. Brinson was the program leader. The praise service was led by Sis. Elizabeth Harrison, Sis. Joanne Brinson, Dr. Elvira G. Jackson and Dr. Barbara Jordan. Sis. Elizabeth G. Harrison gave opening remarks along with the introductions of the honorees. As they were introduced, Sister Brinson pinned each honoree with a money corsage, designed by Sister Felicia H. Crawford, highlighted with an angel and a chrysanthemum. Each expressed “The Joy of Growing Old.” Dr. Barbara Jordan played soft music throughout the program. Other participants in the program included Dinedra M. Hollins, Jessica Jackson and Felicia Crawford. In her closing remarks, Sis. Elizabeth Harrison thanked the seniors for their participation. Afterward, Pastor Thomas brought the message of the day, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7. A delicious brunch was served to climax the day. Other senior citizens present but not pictured are Sarah M. Bryant, Dr. Elvira G. Jackson and Fannie M. Walker.