McIntyre presents program to Kiwanis


The Kiwanis Club of Swainsboro held its weekly meeting Tuesday night, February 6, at the Rustic Grille at 7 p.m. With President Cheryl Goodman presiding, there were 22 in attend-ance, including six guests, Joelle Romanchik-Cerpovicz, Richard T. Smith II, Jimmy Wedin-camp, and three members of the Tattnall County Kiwanis Club, Reika Strickland, Tammy Wilds and Becky Anderson. The cake, donated by Cindy Ware, was won by Deana Pat-rick. The Domino’s pizza, donated by Domino's, was won by Wanda Ellis. The program for the evening was hosted by Cassie McIntyre who led a group version of the classic board game CLUE. Five groups at individual tables were in competition to win the game. The table of Tammy Allen, Petite Garrett, Travis Garrett and Edwin Canady won. President Cheryl thanked the Tattnall County Club for hosting the interclub on February 1, and noted they still have two more interclubs to complete the Interclub Challenge. She also reported on the donation to the Swainsboro High School Media Center and noted that Principal Brandon Andrews and Media Center Director Kelli Torpy greatly appreciate the donation.