Family Connection has the success of little readers on their mind


As October approaches, Emanuel County Family Connection is gathering "Characters" to raise money to support the Ferst Readers program here in Emanuel County. Beginning October 1st, you can see your favorite book characters in costume on social media. Look for their posts throughout the month of October. Family Connection is sponsoring the Ferst Readers virtual fundraiser to get books into the homes of children under five. Local champions for literacy will be asking you to donate to Ferst Readers by casting a vote for them. Every $4 vote you make will help provide books for children here in Emanuel County. So, VOTE as many times as you like and for as many characters as you like!

Ferst Readers addresses one of the most basic issues of childhood literacy - ensuring the availability of quality books in the home so that parents can read to their child during those formative years. Every month Ferst Readers mails quality books and materials for parents to families of children from birth to age five. Every dollar you donate will go to supply books for children in Emanuel County. It only takes $42 to provide a child with a book every month for a year.