Devos speaks to Brier Creek Chapter


The Brier Creek Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held its monthly meeting at the newly remodeled Wall's Diner on Thursday night, September 7, at 7 p.m. With President Wayne Howard presiding, they had 18 in attendance. President Wayne brought up several events planned in the future including, Workday at the Brier Creek battlefield on Saturday, September 23, Constitution Day event at St. Paul's Church in Augusta on Saturday, September 16, Siege of Augusta event on Saturday September 16, Wreaths Across America to be held at the Sylvania Cemetery on December 16 and the Wreaths Across America Brier Creek Battlefield event to be held on December 17 at 3 p.m. Vice President Lee Herron then introduced the speaker for the evening, Ed Devos. Ed is an accomplished speaker and has written several books, including The Stain, The Chaplain's Cross, Revenge at Kings Mountain, Family of Warriors' and The Last 100 Yards, and they are all available on Ed's presentation was a review of the Battle at Kings Mountain, how the "Over the Mountain Boys" got to the battle and how all the participants were Americans (Loyalists and Patriots) except for one British officer.