Who Do You Trust?


Well, I have not kept up with the news in a few weeks. But I promise when I do see it, it's like a soap opera. It continues to tell the evil and the bad. At the end it might give you fifteen seconds of a good deed.

Now just think, if all the good deeds which are done every day were reported, we would have a completely different society. Evil breeds evil and good produces good. Just imagine, if every Christian (which most people say they are) who waits to hear the news everyday would spend at least the same amount of time in the presence of God (prayer, fasting, and the Word), the peaceful changes the world would make.

Did you not know the media gives you what you desire. When we get in the presence of God, it will change our desires. Remember not money but "...the love of money is the root of all evil… " (I Timothy 6:10). Money is made through advertising. It is a big business. It sells ads to get you to buy products and services. Surveys have been done and they know what you are watching and what you desire.

Now according to the Word of God, we are coming into some very critical times. Every earthly thing you have been trusting or had confidence in is crumbling very fast. Do I need to name a few? The enemy always starts with families. He did it in the Garden of Eden. He crushed the family through deception by disobedience to God's command and continued with murder in the first family. (Read Genesis chapter 1-3)

Psalms 91:1 Tells us, "He that dwells in the secret place of the highest shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.". Now is the time to take refuge in God. Time is of the essence. It's okay to run out of money but to run out of time is the END. So, who or what are you trusting? Proverbs 3:5-6 continue to keep us on track. " Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and learn not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths."