Whitaker inspires employees of Emanuel County Schools


As Emanuel County Schools wrapped up the 2022-2023 school year, it was necessary to pause and reflect on our progress, past and future direction. Now, as we begin our 2023-2024 school year, it is time to implement new plans and strive for excellence. To start this journey, Emanuel County School staff had the unique privilege of kicking off the year with national motivational speaker Todd Whitaker, a leader in the field of education. With over 60 published books, Mr. Whitaker is a prolific author, including his highly regarded work What Great Teachers Do Differently: Seventeen Things That Matter Most.

The quality of schools depends on people, not programs. While programs can be useful, there is no replacement for an effective teacher. To emphasize the importance of teaching and learning, Dr. Denise Warnock and Superintendent Hattaway invited Mr. Whitaker to come to Emanuel County. Dr. Warnock explained that after hearing Mr. Whitaker speak at the GAEL conference, she believed that starting the school term with a keynote address from him would be an ideal way to inspire everyone while emphasizing the importance of teaching and learning.

Mr. Whitaker challenged and inspired all employees by delivering an engaging presentation on becoming a more effective educator. He emphasized that both certified and classified staff have important roles to play. Mr. Whitaker stated that to be exceptional, you must look at the world differently than others. During his presentation, Mr. Whitaker motivated and encouraged all employees to become better educators. Mr. Whitaker stated that in order to stand out, individuals need to have a unique perspective on the world. He also provided examples of what effective educators prioritize.

After Mr. Whitaker's presentation, Superintendent Hattaway emphasized the vital role of educators in the lives of students. He encouraged everyone to make a sincere effort to understand their students and shared our 2023-2024 motto of "Stop. See the Need. Meet the Need." He urged us to recall our purpose.

At the conclusion of the program, Mr. Whitaker provided a follow-up session tailored to ECS administrators and shared What Great Principals Do