Skunk Brigade attends Fort Morris national event


The Brier Creek Artillery and the Skunk Brigade traveled to the Fort Morris, "Come and Take It" event on Saturday, November 18, at Sunbury, GA at 10 a.m. This was the 245th Anniversary Commemoration of the Siege of Fort Morris that occurred on November 25, 1778. The Skunk Brigade took two of their 6-pounder Field Guns to fire a 3-round volley along with the Fort Morris 6-pounder cannon. The Skunk Brigade also participated with the Award-Winning Georgia Society Color Guard led by the National Color Guard Commander Scott Collins. The annual "Come and Take It" play was performed by Jason Baker, Fort Morris ranger, who played Col. Lewis Valentine Fuser and Dr. Peter Martin, Marshes of Glynn Chapter, who played Col. John McIntosh. After this part of the event, over 49 organizations presented their wreaths to honor those soldiers who fought here. The event was closed out by a Flintlock and Cannon Salute by the Brier Creek and Colonel Elijah Clarke Militia's and the Brier Creek Artillery. Ending the event, Taps was played and the benediction.