Seedling Garden Club welcomes 2023


The Seedling Garden Club held its monthly meeting on Monday, January 9, 2023 at Swainsboro Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. President Diana Malone called the meeting to order at 5:00pm and welcomed the twenty (20) members and one (1) guest present wishing all a Happy New Year. The New Year Ball has fallen, and the club is ready to take it and keep "it rolling" to finish out projects etc. the club has set.

Chaplain, Ann Peebles began the meeting with a inspiring inspiration titled "Bulbs". We plant the bulbs watch them grow and wonder if they will ever show a sprig of green. Finally, the first sign of green shows. We carefully tend to the bulb as it grows and like God who does care, we care.

Lucille Braswell, secretary, read minutes of last meeting. Kay Peacock, treasurer, gave the treasurer's report. Both were approved as presented. Yonna Bailey, yard of the month chairman reported that the club gave "Yard of the Month" for December to Libby and Jerry Carroway.

Unfinished business: the nominating committee presented slate of names for officers for 2023-2025 These will be voted on at the meeting in February and if approved will be installed at the May meeting.

New business: For Georgia Arbor Day on February 17,2023, the club voted instead of planting new trees to replace those that have died from last year's Arbor Day. The club voted to make donations to six (6) GCG projects. Malone asked for assistance in filling out GCG President's report. Tickets for GCG Raffle were handed out. Tickets will be drawn at GCG Convention at Stone Mountain in April.

The program for the evening was presented by Angela Sconyers of The George's Florist. The title of program was, "Ways to maintain our Christmas flowers and cut flowers." Using a Christmas Cactus, Amarylis and lemon cypress plant, Sconyers demonstrated how to prune plants and how to care for them during the following months. She surprised members by having a drawing for the plants she had used in program. Those winning door prizes were: Mary Pate Gay, Ann Peebles, Pat Tiller, Imogene Buckley and Nancy Lisenby. Members learned a lot about how to care for plants from the program.

Meeting ended with a table of delightful goodies. An assortment of cupcakes, chips, crackers, candies and soda was served from a table decorated all in red (to help cheer the Georgia Bulldogs on for the game that night) A beautiful arrangement of red berries, greenery and pinecones centered the table surrounded by plaques featuring the Big G and Go Dawgs. Hostesses for the evening was Cheryl Goodman, Diana Malone, and Gail Strickland. Linda Dekle won the door prize.

The meeting was adjourned with a big yell--"Go Dawgs!"