Seedling Garden Club observes Arbor Day with tree dedication


Arbor Day is designated in Georgia on the third Friday in February. This year it will fall on February 16th. The first Arbor Day was celebrated in 1872 as a special day for planting trees. Since then, it has grown to thousands of celebrations in communities across our nation. The exact day to celebrate varies across the country depending on temperature and planting sea-son. No matter the day or location, everyone is encouraged to plant trees as a celebration of all the amazing ways trees are vital to the global environment. Trees happen to be the largest plants on the planet. They improve public health and air and water quality, reduce the ero-sion of valuable topsoil and increase property values. They increase energy efficiency through shade and provide habitats for wildlife.

The tree planted on the campus of Swainsboro Primary School by the Seedling Garden Club not only helps to provide the many attributes listed above but is a living tribute to Ginny Smith. A member of the Seedling Garden Club and a career teacher at Swainsboro Primary, the tree was dedicated as a lasting memorial to her.

The Seedling Garden Club encourages everyone to plant a tree in celebration of Arbor Day.