Seedling Garden Club enjoys program on Orchids


On the very wet, rainy evening of February 12, Seedling Garden Club held its monthly meeting at Swainsboro Methodist Social Hall. The downpour of raindrops didn't hinder sixteen members and one guest from popping open umbrellas and attending the meeting. President Nancy Lisenby called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. She welcomed everyone and gave a special welcome to new member Joye Steele. Ann Peebles opened the meeting with an inspiration titled, "God's Little Things". God made a big world, then he made some little things such as insects, birds to fly high in the sky to watch the butterflies play in the flowers. He even made those pesky pest as we call a nuisance. Just like God tells us, "take the bad with the good." He is the creator of all things. President Lisenby invited everyone to enjoy the refreshments provided by the hostesses. Using a Valentine motif, refreshments were served from a table covered with a cloth adorned with valentines and held a beautiful pot of red tulips. Members enjoyed delicious strawberry cake, roasted pecans and soda. Hostesses were Yonna Bailey, Ann Peebles, Kim Hooks and Mary Pate Gay. After refreshments, the speaker of the evening was introduced. Lisenby introduced Pam Alexander of Collins. Pam is a retired schoolteacher and author of many books on Georgia History, and this includes books for children. Pam stated she began her "orchid hobby" five to six years ago. It has grown from a few to a converted spare bedroom full. She started the program by showing some of her beautiful orchids giving names of each. Alexander explained that what is taken as roots are not roots but a covering for roots. Explaining that moisture kills orchids, do not over water, plant in pots with holes and give lots of light. She showed how to repot orchids using bark and orchid moss and advised you should repot every two years after blooming. Most important thing learned was don't drown, give light and tag plants to know what they are. Everyone enjoyed learning about orchids and just might try their hands at growing this beautiful plant.

In the business session, Secretary Imogene Buckley read the minutes from the January meeting and they were approved as read. Treasurer Kay Peacock gave the treasurer's report and it was approved as presented. Lisenby reported that Arbor Day was celebrated on February 9 with a tree planting at Swainsboro Primary School in memory of our own Ginny Smith. Jane Durden and Jill Briarcheck did a great job serving as chairpersons for the planting. They felt the tree was getting plenty of water with all this rain. Peacock, flower show chairman, gave a brief report on the upcoming flower shop and committees were given their job descriptions. Flower show schedules will be given at the next meeting and members will sign up for designs then.

At the end of the meeting, Cheryl Goodman, president of Swainsboro Kiwanis Club, presented a check to the club from Kiwanis to be used for the upcoming flower show. The Seedling is very appreciative of this donation. Flower shows can be expensive, and this will help have a beautiful flower show for everyone to enjoy.

The meeting adjourned with Mary Ellen Smith winning the door prize given by hostesses. It was a beautiful potted red tulip, just in time for Valentine's Day.

Seedling Garden Club is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.; Deep South Garden Clubs; The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. and the Oleander District.