Retired educators meet at Emanuel County Institute


Emanuel Retired Educators Association (EREA) members held their February meeting last week at Emanuel County Institute. ECI Principal Anetria Edenfield extended a warm welcome to the group and discussed the facility improvements that were underway at the school. Elease Turner provided an invocation, and members then enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by the school cafeteria and served by ECI students. The school also provided several delicious desserts from All the Fixins’. EREA wishes to thank Ms. Edenfield and ECI for the warm hospitality extended to members.

Following lunch, Lisa McKenzie, Benefits Representative for the Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA), spoke to the group and discussed the many exceptional member benefits provided to retired educators. She stated that because of strong relationships with top insurance carriers, AMBA is able to offer wide-ranging coverage and products to retirees. She also shared the free member discounts that are available to members who belong to the Georgia Retired Educators Association. Carolyn Derden provided an informative legislative update, and John Derden shared a scholarship update. The EREA Scholarship recipient will be recognized at the May meeting.

The next EREA meeting will be held April 17, at Twin City Elementary. Lunch will be provided by the school, and all Emanuel County retired educators are encouraged to attend.