Quality Air gives to Sunshine House


Quality Air of Swainsboro, Inc. is pleased to present The Sunshine House with their second installment of $440.40 to celebrate their 40th anniversary. This donation is provided to the Sunshine House in recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which is recognized annually, each April. Quality Air would like to recognize the staff, board, and other community agencies that support the Sunshine House and its efforts.

“I know that I along with many, often think of sexual abuse regarding child abuse, however I am reminded by the statistics here in Georgia that sexual abuse is only a small part of the abuse that a child is subjected to.” Qaulity Air Owner, Ricky Stevens explained, “Physical, psychological, and child neglect make up many of the cases of abuse reported here in our state.”

In 2020, Georgia ranked 38th in the nation for child wellbeing with 62,675 maltreatment reports representing over 121,595 children. Stevens goes on to say that one child abused is one child too many.

“I know that this small amount our company presented will not begin to eradicate the problems many children face in our community. Mark and I were blessed to be raised by Hampie E. and Lois Stevens, who gave us everything in life to succeed, including discipline, care, compassion, and most of all love. We just want to provide a little of that for a child who needs it.”

Victims and survivors of child abuse most likely experience social, emotional, cognitive, and physiological impairments throughout the remainder of their lives. The total direct cost for one victim’s lifetime is roughly $226,822.00 which is made up of short-term health care, long-term health care, child welfare, criminal justice, special education, therapy, and productivity loss.

Stevens and his team at Quality Air asks that all of Emanuel County join them in supporting Emanuel County’s most vulnerable by giving back to the Sunshine House of Swainsboro for the vital role they play in the safety of our children.