Quality Air donates to local schools


Rick and Mark Stevens, in their give back to the community, recognized David Emanuel Academy Eagles, Emanuel County Institute Bulldogs and Swainsboro High School Tigers for what they do for our community. As a small kid, it was the highlight of their week for their dad to take them and their sister to the high school football game. To them as small kids, players like Bill Hammock, David Bright, Willis Claxton, Herbert Hodges and the Hill and Ricks boys, were larger than life itself. Rick always said that if their line gave Bill the chance to throw it, then David would always catch it. It’s memories like those that make living in a small community great. Quality Air’s staff, Rick and Mark, want to take this opportunity to give back and support in a small way to these three schools whose coaches, support staff and athletes give so much back to our community. In presenting these three checks for $440.40 to each school, celebrating Quality Air’s 40th anniversary here in Emanuel County, Rick and Mark want to impress upon our young athletes how they are forming the minds of our youth today. Rick stated, “For me, as a small boy growing up in Swainsboro, our high school athletes were larger than life. You athletes have an opportunity to impact our community for decades to come. Generations from now, the next leaders of Emanuel County will have memories of “Friday Night Lights” and how much in their eyes now, you are larger than life.” Mark added, “Quality Air recognizes that the athletes on the field are just a small part of the experience. Taking a kid to a game, you have the cheerleaders, drill teams, dance lines and bands that can provide inexpensive entertainment for our community and these groups are commended as well”. Rick and Mark are proud of our schools and our teams and in Quality Air’s eyes, you again are what makes living in small town USA a great place to live and raise families.