Manning presents program to Brier Creek Chapter


The Brier Creek Chapter of the Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its April meeting, Thursday night, April 1, at 7 p.m. at the American Legion. Several members met at Wall's Diner at 5:30 p.m. to eat a great meal and socialize with each other prior to the night’s meeting. 
With President Wayne Howard presiding, there were 11 members in attendance.  President Howard opened the meeting with an invocation, the pledge to the American Flag and the pledge to the SAR. Chapter members discussed the previous 242nd anniversary celebration of the Battle at Brier Creek and Friday, Education Day at the Battlefield.  Also, discussed was the second annual Brier Creek Revolutionary War Battlefield Association, Inc. Banquet that was held on Friday night, March 5. 
President Howard then asked dual member Dess Smith III to introduce the speaker, Compatriot Terry Manning from Gwinnett County. Compatriot Manning presented his program on The 25 things that you did not know about George Washington. It was a very interesting presentation and it kept chapter members’ attention. Compatriot Manning is a past president of the Georgia Society and has been a part of the Georgia Society Award Winning Color Guard for more than 10 years.