The Brier Creek Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held its monthly meeting Thursday night, February 1, at Walls Diner in Sylvania at 7 p.m. With President Wayne Howard presiding, there were 22 in attendance. After the prayer, the U.S. Flag Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Sons of the American Revolution, Compatriot Dess Smith III introduced the speaker for the evening, Mike Lisenby. Mike is a retired lawyer that lives with his wife Nancy in Swainsboro. Mike's presentation was on "The U.S. Constitution". After the program, Vice President Lee Herron gave a report on the progress of the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution Georgia Tag through the Senate and the Legislature. Senator Max Burns is heading up Senate Bill 369 and hopefully it will make it through the House of Representatives and on the Governor's desk for his signature by the end of the second week of February. Compatriot Lee also gave an update on the Chapter Flag Streamers that were presented to the Brier Creek Chapter at the Georgia Society's Annual Conference on January 26-27, at the Sonesta Hotel in Duluth. The Streamers are in the mail, and they should have them by the March meeting. Compatriot Lee also reminded everyone about the March 1 Education Day and the 245th Anniversary Brier Creek Battlefield event on March 1 and 2 at the Battlefield.