Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

The hospital staff at the Emanuel Medical Center are the best. I passed out in my car after giving blood at the Shepherd Blood Drive. I am not sure who was left in the hospital because it looked as if everyone responded to my husband’s 911 call. Lynda Morgan, my God sent angel, was by my side from the first sign of my diminishing consciousness. I was persuaded to get out of my car and into the wheelchair by Brooke, RN and Reba, RN.  I do apologize for giving them a hard time - I just wanted to go home and sleep. During this unsettling time, my husband and I lost keys, my purse, and our phones, but the hospital staff got everything to us in the ER. Thank you so much. 
Allison, my ER nurse, was so kind and helpful. She helped calm the storm for us. I can’t say enough how great we were treated. Doctor A was awesome - very gentle and firm - telling me “you really need to stay the night so we can monitor you”. 
I can’t name everyone, but the ER staff, 2nd floor nurses, aides, lab technicians, Dr. Prasad and staff, etc, were very helpful and attentive to our needs. Saying “Thank you so much” is not enough.
Donna Smith