The Kiwanis Club of Swainsboro held its weekly meeting on Tuesday night, April 2, at 7 p.m. at the Rustic Grill. With President Cheryl Goodman presiding, there were 21 in attendance including three guests, Joelle Romanchik-Cerpovicz, Courtney Patterson and Casey Foun-tain. The chocolate-on-chocolate cake donated by Bobby Seamans and baked by Petite Gar-rett, was won by Dess Smith. The program was hosted by David Gribbin who introduced Courtney Patterson, EGSC Chief of Staff and Legal Counsel and Casey Fountain, EGSC Di-rector of Institutional Advancement. Patterson and Fountain outlined some of the policies and procedures that are in place to protect children while they are taking part in events at EGSC. The policies and procedures have four parts: planning, pre-screening of staff and vol-unteers, training, and keeping records when children take part in activities on cam-pus. Youth programs include day camps, residential camps, sports camps, K-12 visits, and K-12 test administrations. The policies and procedures were required in 2016 by the Universi-ty System of Georgia (USG) in response to the Sandusky scandal and applies to pro-grams/activities serving minors. They can be hosted by units of EGSC, registered EGSC stu-dent organizations, or third parties using EGSC facilities. It does not include events open to the public in which minors attend at the discretion of the parents, private events, events where parents provide supervision, student recruitment events, or national testing events such as the SAT. Paul Cerpovicz reported on the EGSC Circle K members who filled Easter eggs with candy on March 25, for the Franklin Memorial Library’s Easter Egg Hunt on March 29. They also helped by hiding eggs for the hunt and read to the students at Twin City Ele-mentary that morning.