It's time to arise


Now there have been times when we felt despondent. Even sometimes feeling hopeless. And today some feel as though you are in a dark place. Life is real. Sometimes when you have tried your best, it seems as if things are not working out. Let me encourage you today not to give up. Keep your dreams and ambitions alive. When you have taken a chance on everything and everyone else, take a chance with God.

I'm reminded in the 2 Kings chapter seven, of the four leprous men who were outside of the camp of Israel. They could not be in the city because of their disease. The Syrians were staging war with Israel. Those men said to themselves, if we sit here, we will surely die. We cannot go back to our city because of our disease. So they said, let us go to the Syrians, the enemy's camp. If they kill us we die, if they capture us we live.

So in the twilight, the leprous men rose up to go to the camp. When they rose up, at twilight, God rose up with them. When they headed for the camp, God caused the Syrians to hear a great noise of chariots and horses. He caused the enemy to think that Israel had hired soldiers from Egypt and other countries, so the Syrian army fled. They left everything in the camp. They left food, clothes, gold and precious things. Now these leprous men could live.

So today, please know that when you get up in the twilight, God will get up with you. When you arise to read the Word of God and pray in the twilight, God will rise up with you. He said he will “never leave you nor forsake you." He is the same God yesterday, today and forever more.

Paul and Salius sang and prayed in jail at midnight and God freed them. So arise out of your situations. Get up with God. Put your trust in Him. He will lead you just as he led those outcast men. Jesus died and gave you victory. Accept it today. Rise up and live.