Hardaway speaks to Brier Creek


The Brier Creek Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting Thursday, March 7, at Walls Diner at 7 p.m. With President Wayne Howard presiding, they had 18 in attendance. President Howard presented Sgt-at-Arms Don Bazemore with three Chapter Flag Streamers that the Chapter earned by presenting wreaths at Elijah Clarke Heroes of the Hornets' Nest, 245th Anniversary Celebration of the Battle at Kettle Creek and the 245th Anniversary Celebration of the Battle at Brier Creek. Vice President Lee Herron then introduced the speaker for the night, Julia Hardaway who spoke on "The Nancy Hart Militia 1861-1865: Women of Uncommon Courage". Three of her ancestors were members of this all-female militia unit. The unit has ties back to the Revolutionary War Heroine Nancy Hart of Wilkes County.