Glad learns about birds and bees


Well maybe not the birds this time but the ladies of Glad met at the beautiful Sudie A. Fulford Community Learning Center on April 10, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to learn all about the bees and their keeping. Members JoAnn Trammell, Audrey West, Carolyn Brown, Jeanette Hall, Thomasene Flanders, Lisa Parham, Sherri Clifton, Gloria Mason and two visitors, Laverne Whitaker from North Dakota and Sandra Bailes from Swainsboro were all enthralled by the presentation given by Amber Carroll of The Creator's Garden in Metter. Amber's story began with her husband Chris's desire to become a Beekeeper. Amber admits that in the beginning she wasn't particularly interested in the adventure but as time went on, she developed an actual love for bees and their fascinating hierarchy. Chris has thousands of hives now and Amber has hundreds what she refers to her "own" hives. Amber's captivating presentation included the dynamics of hierarchy in the hive. A honey bee can only sting you once and then they die but a Queen bee is the only one that can sting more than once. Then the health benefits of local raw honey were discussed. A large cup of tea in the morning is a great way to start the day with addition of turmeric, ginger and cinnamon to a beverage that will aid in digestion, anti-inflammation, and general well-being. Honey is a natural antibacterial agent that is even applied directly to wounds to help the healing process. So many uses for a product of Mother Nature. Chris and Amber have grown their desire to raise bees into the Creator's Garden & Apiary in Metter, Georgia, and sell not only raw wildflower honey but flavored honey such as pecan with real roasted nuts and a surprisingly good tasting honey that has been named Sweet Heat. Sweet Heat adds just a touch of hotness to the deliciousness of honey.

In addition to our program Carolyn Brown gave an inspirational message that referenced Psalms 119:103, How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. God's words are life giving to us and if you compliment someone every day you will see how your kind words will come back to give you life.

Jeanette Hall reported that along with Audrey West, all the " Entrances to the Great Crossroads of the South" have been weeded, trimmed, and pine-straw put out in preparation for the Pine Tree Festival, and they look grand! In addition to that they have been working on our beautification projects at the Veterans and First Responders Park including Butterfly Garden and Christmas Tree. Thank you for all your hard work. We would also be totally remiss if we didn't give a great big thank you and heartfelt appreciation of the enthusiastic support of Mayor Greg Bennett and the city with all our projects. Meeting adjourned to Leanna's.

The Glad Garden Club will have its year end "picnic" on May 9, 2023, at Watermelon Creek Vineyard to celebrate accomplishments and new friends. So, if you like playing in the dirt, and even if you don't, we have all kinds of projects going on and welcome all those interested in the beautification of our community to join us. We usually meet at the Sudie A. Fulford Building on the campus of East Georgia State College at 10 a.m. on the second Monday of each month September through May but our September meeting is anticipated to be at the beautiful farm of Carolyn and Von Brown on September 11, 2023.


The Glad Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs Inc., the Deep South Region, the Garden Club of Georgia Inc., of the Oleander District.