The Glad Garden Club held its first regular meeting of the New Year on Monday, January 8, 2024, at the beautiful, cozy and welcoming Sudie A. Fulford Learning Center on the campus of East Georgia State College. We are so blessed, as a club, to be able to conduct our regular meetings in such an impressive building. In addition, Malanie Freeman and her staff always make us feel so welcome. The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by President JoAnn Trammell with members Sylvia Durden, Carolyn Brown, Jeanette Hall and Sherri Clifton in attendance.
Inspiration was given by Sylvia Durden in regard to "Why does God love us so much?' Exodus 25:35. Because He has filled us with all the skills we need to excel in all the crafts we will need in fulfilling His promise in our lives.
December was a very busy month for our club. Visiting Emanuel County Nursing Home with presents, visiting with the staff of the Sunshine House, making our Christmas donation and Swainsboro Pre-K and contributing to our Fig Leaf Project. The only somewhat glum part of our visitation was to have to take down the Christmas decorations at the hospital. The club so very much enjoys decorating the hospital for Christmas, but we will be back again next Christmas to spread more cheer. Glad Garden Club has also been working closely with the "Veterans at the Library" headed by Johnny Tapley to appropriately decorate and revitalize the Veterans and First Responders Park, formerly known as Pine Brook Park. A Cedar tree was planted around Arbor Day to honor veterans and to hopefully be rooted enough to be decorated by Christmas. The plan worked and the tree survived to be decorated by Christmas with approximately twelve-hundred lights and ornaments with veterans' names on them made by school children.
Plans are already in committee for the club's participation in the Pine Tree Festival in May.
January's program was presented by Savannah Tanner, ANR Agent of the Swainsboro Division of the University of Georgia Extension Office. Savannah gave an excellent program on the importance of soil sampling in the area. Farmers need to know the Ph of their soil in order to grow their desired crops. Soil samples gathered and mailed to UGA will help determine what nutrients are needed to produce optimum crop yield. Samples should be gathered with non-metal equipment as to provide accurate levels. On a personal level, sending soil samples off can inform you of what you need to avoid that pesky blossom end rot on your favorite tomatoes. Sample bags were given to all members. In addition, forms were handed out for the UGA plant sale in February. A variety of plants are available, including fruit trees. So be sure to get your order forms from the Extension Service by February 2, 2024, for spring planting.
The raffle item of a beautiful flower print by a local artist along with a Bath & Body Works Candle donated by JoAnn Trammell, was won by Sylvia Durden.
Ladies adjourned for lunch at the Stockyard Restaurant in Swainsboro.
Our next meeting will be February 12, 2024, at 10 a.m. at the Sudie A. Fulford Learning Center. If you like to dig in the dirt and have fun doing it or even if you don't like getting dirty, we have a place for you. We are a delightful group of ladies that are of like-mind and do believe in the fun and fellowship of the beautification, conservation and education of Swainsboro and Emanuel County.
The Glad Garden Club is a member of the Deep South Region of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., and the Oleander District of the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.