The Glad Garden Club held its November meeting at the Sudie A. Fulford Learning Center on Monday, November 13. The meeting was called to order by President, JoAnn Trammell and an Inspirational Thanksgiving message was given by Carolyn Brown. A fascinating program was given by Angelia Sconyers, owner and operator of the George's Flower Shop in Swainsboro. The program was highlighted by directions given in the care of seasonal Poinsettias and the Christmas Cactus. Members were surprised to learn that in September, the plant requires total darkness for 16 hours a day for eight weeks in order to maximize blooming potential. The Christmas Cactus is a less finicky soul and only likes to be pot bound and general care resembles that of an African Violet. Angelia also brought many seasonal plantings that were raffled off. A grand time full of cheer was had by all.
The Glad Garden Club is getting into the true Christmas spirit by giving time, love and caring to the community. The Club is actively making plans to decorate the hospital as we do annually. A great big thank you to Tractor Supply for practically donating two new Christmas trees for the club to use in this endeavor. Decorations include several Christmas trees, "presents" under the trees, toy soldier's, nativities, and more. A project that the club anticipates with joy and giving. In addition to the hospital, the club has been working with the Veterans at the Veterans Park to help decorate the Christmas tree that was planted in the park earlier this year and seems to be happy there. A star for the top of the tree has been donated by club member Sherri Flanders. Plans are in the works to make our annual Christmas donations to the Sunshine House and the Fig Leaf Project, in addition to spreading all this cheer the Club plans to hold it's annual Christmas luncheon at the new Stockyard Restaurant in Swainsboro.
In other news, Audrey West brought a gorgeous Dahlia for a horticulture presentation. Originating in Mexico in the 1500's, this specimen was so perfect that it almost didn't look real. The Club is also waiting to see what type of planting the college would prefer to replace a donated tree that they have to cut down because it is causing foundation issues to one of their buildings. Stay tuned for the many Christmas activities that the Club is involved with this year.
The Glad Garden Club is a member of the Deep South Region of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., and the Oleander District of the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.