Four Rivers officers installed


The Four Rivers Patriots Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held its monthly meeting Thursday night, January 18, at Chatters Restaurant in Lyons at 7 p.m. With President-elect Steve DeWeil presiding, there were 14 in attendance. After a great meal, GASSAR President-elect Ed Rigel, Jr. installed the Four Rivers Patriots Officer Staff: Vice President Joel Keener, Secretary; Al Johnson, Treasurer; Dean Mills, Dan Brown, Sgt-at-Arms; Chaplain Emory Fennel; Registrar Dean Mills; and Genealogist Dess Smith III. President-elect Ed then installed the Four Rivers Patriots Chapter President Steve DeWeil. President Steve then presented Past President George King with a beautiful plaque honoring George's two-year service, 2022 and 2023, as President of the Four Rivers Chapter and helping to keep the Chapter growing during his terms. Compatriot Dess Smith III then presented Sgt-at-Arms Dan Brown a Fort Morris, "Come and Take It" Streamer for the Chapter presenting a wreath at the November 18, 2023, event at Midway.