Fall Line Chapter holds September meeting


The Fall Line Chapter, Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution, held its monthly meeting, Tuesday night, September 12, at the Washington County Chamber of Commerce building at 7 p.m. With President Sandy Mercer presiding, there were 10 in attendance. Compatriot John Trussell gave his presentation about the "George Washington 1791 Tour, Savannah". He also showed the prints made of George Washington's landing in Savannah that he has for sale from the GASSAR. The second presentation for the evening was by Cadet Commander Nathan Mercer, who is the grandson of President Sandy Mercer. Mercer was accompanied by his mother, Rachael Mercer. He is an active member of Civil Air Patrol where he serves as Cadet Commander of a squadron and holds the rank of Cadet Lieutenant Colonel. Mercer is a homeschooled senior. He is also a member of the Fall Line Chapter GASSAR. Mercer spoke at the meeting about WWII Flying Ace Captain Albert Schiegel and the role that forensic scientist played in identifying his remains 72 years after he was believed KIA in Strausburg, France.