Empowered to Serve: EREA holds July meeting


The Emanuel Retired Educators Association (EREA) Executive Committee met recently at the Fulford Center on the campus of East Georgia State College for its annual planning session. The theme for the year is Empowered to Serve: Fellowship, Service, Support. President Jean Schwabe discussed and reviewed her goals for the year, as well as the 2022-23 meeting dates, locations, and speakers. Treasurer Lena Nwakudu provided a financial update.

EREA is one of 140 local units of the Georgia Retired Educators Association and was founded in 1972. Since that time, the organization has worked diligently to promote education and its importance, to improve benefits for educators, and to recognize and award scholarships to students pursuing a career in education.

The first meeting of the year is set for Wednesday, September 21, at Swainsboro High School, at noon. Retired educators are encouraged to join EREA for this kick-off meeting. Emanuel County Schools Superintendent Scotty Hattaway will provide a school district update.