Emanuel Artists Guild holds meeting


Emanuel Artists Guild held it regular meeting on Tuesday, July 25 in The Kalmanson Gallery in downtown Swainsboro. Murals in the city was a main topic of discussion. Some of the current ones need to be refurbished or replaced. While one of the murals was designed and painted by the former guild, the ability of some current members to physically do the work was questioned. Funding these projects was discussed. The Guild does not collect dues and does not have a bank account. It's basic function is to encourage the work of local artists. The connection is that the Guild meets in the EAC's Gallery but receives no funding. If any of the artists are willing to work on a mural, they can take it on as an individual project or work together on it. It would not be an Emanuel Arts Council or Guild project without the expressed consent from the Council. Anything done locally in the Arts will be coordinated with the EAC or as individual projects.

The possible confusion with the Guild and Emanuel Arts Council was addressed. Since the names and the focus are similar, it is natural. It was decided that anything done by the Artists Guild should be coordinated with the Arts Council. There are not two competing arts agency in our community.

Candy Powers announced the purpose as "The Emanuel Artist Guild shall be a group of like-minded individuals gathered for the purpose of encouraging and supporting each other in the development and promotion of his/her work."

Workshops led by members and possible participation in the Downtown Music and Arts and Crafts event were also discussed, as well as a field trip to the Folk Art Palace "Pasaquan" in Northeast Georgia.

Amber Albritton was thanked for her having the previous meeting at her home and giving members a tour of Rountree Ranch. Appreciation was given for the successful hosting of the reception for the recent Kalmanson Gallery Opening. She also shared her recent work creating clothing for "Arting Around."

Kim Youmans photographed the group attending the meeting, (front) Lily Waters, Candy Powers, Ron Elison, Joan Dunn (middle) Amber Albritton, Kimberly Powell Page, Jen Meadows, Meluka Cartaya, (back) Kim Youmans, Mark Lillquist, Terry Daniels, Dianna Wedicamp, and Paul Ziegler.

The Emanuel Artists Guild is an informal group of people who are interested in the local arts. Meeting twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesday in the Kalmanson Gallery 209 North Main Street. Learn more by visiting Emanuel Artists Guild group on Facebook.